5 Ways to Encourage Veins to Dilate
Vasodilation is the process where blood vessels widen to improve blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients more efficiently throughout your body. It’s a vital function for maintaining healthy circulation, supporting heart health, and easing the strain on your vascular system. Whether you’re looking for relief from symptoms or aiming to prevent future issues, there are actionable steps you can take to promote healthy vasodilation.
Best Sleeping Position to Prevent Blood Clots
Blood clots can form due to poor circulation during prolonged inactivity, including sleep. Adopting the right sleeping position can significantly reduce your risk and enhance overall blood flow. Preventing clots, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), during sleep is especially important for individuals with vascular conditions, sedentary lifestyles, or limited mobility.
Purple Skin Discoloration on Legs
Noticing purple skin discoloration on your legs can be concerning, especially if it lingers or has other symptoms like swelling or pain. This discoloration is often a sign that something is affecting the circulation in your legs or the health of your blood vessels. While it might initially seem harmless, purple discoloration can sometimes point to underlying issues like poor circulation, vein damage, or even more serious conditions like blood clots.
When Should I Be Worried About Sock Marks?
Sock marks are usually harmless, caused by the elastic in socks pressing against your skin. But sometimes, they can signal an underlying health issue. Paying attention to changes in sock marks—like their depth, persistence, or associated symptoms—can provide early clues about potential vascular or systemic problems. It’s worth knowing when to take them seriously.
Can You Make Varicose Veins Go Away?
Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that often appear on the legs due to weakened or damaged valves in the veins. They develop when blood struggles to flow upward to the heart, causing it to pool and create visible bulging veins. If you’re wondering, “Can these unsightly veins really go away?” you’re not alone. Many people seek effective solutions to improve their vein health and confidence.
Varicose Veins in Hurst: Expert Care at Your Doorstep
At Texas Vascular Institute (TVI), we empathize with the discomfort and worry caused by varicose veins. That's why we're here in Hurst, providing cutting-edge treatments that are customized to address your unique needs. With our team of experts wielding extensive knowledge and experience, we promise to provide the utmost care in a warm and compassionate atmosphere. Let us help you find relief and regain your confidence!
Varicose Veins in Dallas: Quality Care You Can Trust
Our exceptional team of vascular specialists are true leaders in their field, armed with years of invaluable experience. Harnessing the power of cutting-edge advancements in vein treatment, they've transformed the lives of numerous patients, liberating them from the pain and unsightly burden of varicose veins. When you choose TVI, you're opting for unparalleled care and unwavering commitment to your varicose vein needs in Dallas.
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins in Hurst?
The causes and risk factors of varicose veins vary from genetics to age, pregnancy, obesity, and prolonged standing or sitting, among other factors. Some typical signs and possible issues include discomfort, inflammation, irritation, hemorrhage, dermatological alterations, sores, and thrombosis. You may want to seek medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms or complications.
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins in Dallas?
Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted, and bulging veins, usually visible on the legs and feet. These unsightly veins are caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, age, pregnancy, obesity, and prolonged standing or sitting. Common symptoms and complications include pain, swelling, itching, bleeding, skin changes, ulcers, and even blood clots.
Cramping, Itchiness, & Restless Legs: The Hidden Symptoms of Vein Problems
I’ve dealt with my fair share of medical peers and even patients that stigmatize vein treatment as a cosmetic solution only, not knowing that their other symptoms are potentially a consequence of venous reflux, or that treatment today could help them avoid more advanced symptoms down the road.
Laser or Injections for Spider Veins: Which is Better?
There are a number of different laser treatment devices that are designed specifically for the removal of spider and reticular veins. These devices utilize light energy that’s finely tuned such that it is selectively absorbed by oxyhemoglobin in the blood and converted into thermal energy.
Preventing Varicose Veins During Pregnancy
About two in every five pregnant women are affected by varicose veins,¹ so it’s very likely that you already have or will develop varicose veins at some point during your pregnancy. In many cases, varicose veins that develop during pregnancy have no negative long-term health effects.
Vein Removal Surgery: No Longer the Best Treatment Option for Varicose Veins
Vein removal surgery is appropriately called “vein stripping.” The method of vein stripping was first described by W.L. Keller in 1905 to remove the greater saphenous vein.¹ The surgery involves making incisions at the two ends of the vein and threading a special wire (the “vein stripper”) through the vein from one incision to the other.
Healing Venous Ulcers With Vein Closure
Venous leg ulcers are the most severe manifestation of chronic venous disease. We recently cared for a 50 year old patient with an open leg ulcer that had been living with severe cramping, pain, and heaviness in both of her legs for nearly 10 years. This is not uncommon - unfortunately, individuals affected by vein problems tend to live with ulcers or other debilitating symptoms of chronic venous disease for several years before finding their way to an effective treatment strategy.
UGFS Vein Treatment Explained
Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS), like thermal ablation or the adhesive-based VenaSeal system, is yet another option in the vein specialist’s toolbox for managing vein problems. The three methods - sclerotherapy, ablation, and adhesive - are in fact very similar. No matter the manner of implementation, the goal of any treatment for varicose veins is to safely and effectively close down diseased veins, and thereby eliminate the signs and symptoms of chronic venous disease.
How Vein Disease Negatively Impacts Your Daily Life
When discussing vein disease, we often talk of its symptoms, its complications, and its cosmetic manifestations. It’s less common that we discuss its impact on everyday life. The symptoms of vein disease obviously cause a great deal of discomfort, but how do they impact routine activities and quality of life? And to what extent? To best answer these questions, we dug into the study results of the National Venous Screening Program.
Relationship Between Venous Reflux & Spider Veins
When we have the opportunity to sit down and talk venous disease with our medical peers, we tend to emphasize the subtleties of reflux. It’s important to catch venous reflux in its early stages to prevent worsening of the disease, but to consistently catch reflux early requires the entire medical community to be on the lookout and act on their suspicions.
Evidence for Thermal Ablation in Venous Leg Ulcers
In our last article, we discussed how chronic venous disease is a spectrum of signs and symptoms from small spider veins all the way to skin ulcers. The focus was placed on understanding the early indicators because early treatment is instrumental in preventing worsening of venous disease.
Advantages of the VenaSeal Procedure for Varicose Vein Treatment
In the past few years, a new minimally-invasive modality for varicose vein treatment has emerged. The VenaSeal system - a bio-adhesive designed for use in the veins - was approved by the FDA in 2015 for the treatment of adults with clinically symptomatic venous reflux / varicose veins.
What is Microphlebectomy & When is it a Good Treatment Option for Varicose Veins?
A 31-year old female presents with a visible varicose vein coursing down the length of her right leg. The patient complains of pain along the course of the vein in her anterior thigh and along her knee. The culprit vein looks quite tortuous and many of its segments are actually bulging out of the skin.
Lower Extremity Vein Anatomy & Venous Diseases
The dermal veins drain blood from the dermis - one of the most superficial layers of the skin. The hypodermal veins are larger in diameter and reside slightly deeper, but are well-connected to their dermal counterparts. The purpose of these veins is to drain the integumentary system (the skin, hair follicles, nails, and certain glands).
Varicose Veins & Risk of DVT: New Evidence to Consider for Providers & Patients
Until recently, there existed limited observational data examining the risk of DVT in patients with varicose veins. The few studies that had been conducted were either cross-sectional (all data collected at one distinct time point) or case-control (finding patients with and without DVT, and analyzing their medical history for all risk factors - not specifically focused on varicose veins).
Restless Legs? Vein Treatment Might Help
A female in her mid 40’s presents to Texas Vascular Institute without visible signs of vein disease. One of her primary complaints is having restless legs at night. She describes incessant urges to move her legs when she lies down that only subside when her calves and thighs are massaged, making it difficult to fall asleep on a regular basis.
RF vs. Laser Vein Ablation: Similar Outcomes?
RF and laser vein ablation are the two most common treatments available for varicose veins. Vein specialist Dr. Dev Batra compares the two treatments and discusses which is more preferred.
Preventing Vein Problems: How Regular Exercise Can Help
Most people know that your heart pumps your blood, but this is only true to a certain extent. Your heart pumps blood via the arteries from your lungs to your body’s tissues to help deliver oxygen, but due to intricacies in how fluids flow, it is less involved in pumping blood in veins.
Varicose Veins to Venous Ulcers: The Stages of Chronic Venous Disease
In the world of venous disease, the underlying cause is categorized as either (1) reflux, (2) obstruction, or (3) both. Reflux means that blood flows backwards in the vein, instead of forward, whereas obstruction is the prevention of forward flow altogether. In either case, this leads to two problems. The first is venous hypertension.
Compression stockings for varicose veins: are they effective?
To help explain the role of compression therapy versus more effective vein treatments, we take a look at why compression stockings are prescribed, their limitations, and what the clinical evidence has taught us about their efficacy.
Risk Factors for Vein Disease
The veins in your circulatory system play an important role. They deliver deoxygenated blood from the tissues and organs back to the heart, having to fight the force of gravity moving from the lower extremities to the chest. With all that work, is it any wonder that vein diseases are so common?
When are Varicose Veins More Than Just a Cosmetic Concern?
It’s hard to miss varicose veins near the skin’s surface in your legs. Gnarled and bulging, blue and purple, these are an unwanted feature for many people who develop them since they take away the even skin tone associated with good health.
Could Venous Insufficiency be Causing Your Restless Leg Syndrome?
If you find that you can’t relax, and that every time you try, you experience an uncontrollable desire to move your legs, then you might have restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome makes you feel like you constantly have to move your legs, even when you’re sleeping.
Are You at Risk of Developing DVT?
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a potentially life-threatening condition that affects over 900,000 people, with as many as 30% of them dying within the first month after diagnosis. Many people don’t even know they have the condition before a crisis hits.
How Endovenous Ablation Can Repair Your Damaged Veins
Your arteries carry oxygenated blood from your heart to all the organs and tissues in your body. From there, it travels back in the veins to the heart. To ensure that blood flows upwards from the legs (instead of being pulled down by gravity), the veins contain one-way valves that close as soon as the blood is pumped through.
What Are the Benefits of Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy versus Traditional Sclerotherapy?
Varicose veins are common, affecting some 3 in 10 adults, most of them women. These swollen, twisted, red-to-blue-colored veins most commonly form on the surface of the legs, feet, and especially the calves, as standing and walking place a great deal of pressure on the veins in those regions.
The Link Between Vein Issues and Skin Pigmentation
Your veins are responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood from your organs and tissues back to your heart. When they can’t do their job, it can lead to a host of problems ranging from varicose veins to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Most skin pigmentation changes arise when CVI isn’t treated and the condition progresses to what’s known as venous stasis dermatitis.
5 Signs of a Blood Clot
Clotting is an important process that prevents you from losing too much blood if you cut or otherwise injure yourself. The platelets in the blood adhere to the edges of the cut and release chemicals that attract even more platelets to the scene, forming an aggregate that changes the liquid to a gel-like or semisolid state, thereby plugging the hole. Vitamin K also plays a role.
How Many of These Symptoms of Vein Disease Do You Have?
Vein disease refers to any problem or condition that affects the part of your circulatory system that returns deoxygenated blood from your tissues back to your heart. The symptoms depend on the specific vein condition, but it’s important to learn to recognize the most common symptoms.
Who's at Risk for Vein Disease?
Your circulatory system is a complex network of blood vessels that delivers oxygenated blood and nutrients to your body’s tissues and returns deoxygenated blood back to your heart. The arteries take care of the former, and the veins are responsible for the latter.
Lifestyle Adjustments to Help You Cope with Restless Legs Syndrome
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is just what it sounds like. The condition, which is actually a sleep disorder, causes a compulsive urge to move your legs (or other parts of your body) when you try to sleep. And RLS can come along with other unpleasant physical sensations, such as itching, aching, burning, or the feeling that your skin is crawling.
Is Leg Itching Normal?
Itchiness anywhere on your body, including your legs, can be due to many possible causes, such as sun or wind chapping, an allergic reaction, or skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
How Does Sclerotherapy Work?
Varicose veins are common, affecting about three in 10 adults. Generally more of a cosmetic than a medical issue, varicose veins — bulging red or purple lines usually found on the legs — can still be painful and cause skin rashes. These are just a few of the reasons you might want to have them removed. One of the most common ways to do that is through sclerotherapy.
Understanding Venous Stasis Dermatitis
Vein disease is a progressive condition. It starts in the veins — the part of the circulatory system that returns deoxygenated blood from the body’s tissues back to the heart. If not treated, it can cause serious health problems, including skin ulcers, abscesses, and bone infections.
Symptoms of DVT
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a potentially life-threatening circulatory system condition that affects over 900,000 people, with as many as 30% of them dying within the first month after diagnosis. It may or may not present with symptoms, so many people don’t know they have it until they reach a crisis.
What Are Venous Ulcers?
Chronic vein disease develops several stages, of which venous ulcers are generally the last and the most serious. These open, shallow wounds on the lower leg or ankle are slow to heal and can quickly become infected if not treated. About 1% of Americans develop these ulcers. They are common in older people, especially women.
How We Treat Skin Pigmentation
When blood returns to the heart from the body’s tissues, it has to fight the pull of gravity. To do that, the body uses two techniques. First, the muscles in your thighs and calves contract, forcing the blood upward. Second, the veins carrying the blood contain valves that snap shut once the blood has flowed past them, preventing backward movement.
All About Vein Disease
Vein disease is a progressive circulatory system condition. Fortunately, there are options available to treat the various stages and restore your circulatory health. At Texas Vascular Institute, interventional radiologist Dr. Dev Batra and his staff are well versed in vein issues, the problems they cause, and the treatments that help resolve them. Here’s what they want you to know about vein disease and what to do if it impacts you.
A Closer Look at Venous Ulcers
Chronic vein disease develops in stages, and venous ulcers usually appear during the last and most serious stage. Because of poor circulation, open, shallow wounds form on the lower leg or ankle. They’re slow to heal and can quickly become infected if not treated. That sometimes leads to lower-limb amputation, especially in diabetics. About 1% of Americans develop these ulcers, which are common in older people, especially women.
What Causes Chronic Venous Insufficiency?
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a circulatory system disorder that affects the ability of blood to flow properly when returning from the body to the heart. It affects some 40% of the United States population, occurring mostly in people over 50, and in women more frequently than men.
7 Signs of Vein Damage
Interventional radiologist Dr. Dev Batra at Texas Vascular Institute, with locations in Dallas and Hurst, Texas, knows veins inside and out, and he’s a strong believer in patient education. That’s why he wants to discuss the seven signs of vein damage, so you can be informed and take action when you need to.
How Does Menstruation Affect Varicose Veins?
If you’re a woman, every month from your early teens to your early 50s, your ovaries release an egg ready to be fertilized. If it’s not fertilized, you experience menstrual bleeding — a sloughing off of the uterine tissue that’s not needed at that time. Along with the bleeding, you may experience several other symptoms and even conditions such as varicose veins.
4 Ways Venous Stasis Dermatitis Affects Your Skin
Venous stasis dermatitis is a stage of vein disease that’s not as well known as some earlier forms — like varicose veins — so our team has put together this guide to help you understand what’s happening with your circulatory system and the four primary ways in which your skin can be affected.
May-Thurner Syndrome and Vein Health
May-Thurner syndrome (MTS) is also referred to as iliac vein compression syndrome or Cockett's syndrome. It affects two blood vessels in the pelvic area, one of which goes into your legs and one of which runs out of your legs. While it may cause no symptoms initially, it may increase your risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in your left leg.
4 Ways to Heal Your Venous Ulcers
These ulcers are slow to heal and can quickly become infected, which can lead to lower-limb amputation in severe cases, especially in people with diabetes. About 1% of Americans develop these ulcers, which are more common as you age, especially in women.
The Dangers of DVT
Unfortunately, they have to work against the pull of gravity. One way they accomplish the task is by muscle contractions in the calf and thigh, which push the blood upward. Another way is by using a series of one-way valves that close once the blood passes through, preventing backflow.
My Legs Swell Off and On: Should I Be Alarmed?
Your legs can swell for many reasons, which is why it’s essential to seek medical attention if it’s happening to you. Some underlying causes are nothing to worry about, such as standing on your feet too long. Other causes are more serious, such as insufficient blood flow to your extremities.
Do You Have These Signs of Venous Disease?
Vein disease is a progressive condition. Fortunately, it has telltale symptoms at each of the stages. Therefore, it’s essential to know the signs so you’ll know when to get medical help.
Is Restless Leg Syndrome Serious?
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a type of sleep disorder. It generates a compulsive urge to move your legs (or other body parts) along with other uncomfortable physical sensations, such as pulling, tugging, itching, aching, burning, or crawling.
5 Things That Put You at Risk for Venous Stasis Dermatitis
Vein disease is a progressive condition that starts when a problem with a vein causes blood flow to become sluggish. That prevents your circulatory system from supplying your body with adequate oxygen and other nutrients.
6 Symptoms of May-Thurner Syndrome
May-Thurner syndrome (MTS) is a rare but serious medical condition. Also called iliac vein compression syndrome or Cockett's syndrome, it affects two blood vessels in the pelvic region. It may or may not produce symptoms initially, but it does increase your risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in your left leg.
The 4 Steps of VenaSeal™
Varicose veins are blood vessels that are damaged and can’t perform their function efficiently. Treating the problem before it becomes advanced protects your entire circulatory system — and your overall health.
Is Your Lifestyle Fueling Vein Problems?
Vein problems have many causes, and among them are unhealthy lifestyle choices. Keep reading to learn if your lifestyle is fueling vein problems.